6 replies »

  1. Great post! I love I Have…Who Has…But I teach the big guys, so I’ve always been reluctant to try it. One of my colleagues recently did it with her seniors, though, and she said they liked it. I don’t know if that’s an anomaly, though, based on your 8th graders’ reactions–it’s worth a try, I guess. Thank you so much for sharing–it’s got me thinking!


    • You’re welcome! It was definitely a learning experience on my end. I tell my kids they have to give every technique/strategy two chances so we can work out any kinks, so we’ll see how my 8th graders do with it next time around.


  2. Great goal to try something new! And I love how you broke down the feedback for individual grade levels. I think sometimes we tend to expect that what will work in middle school or high school will work in all of secondary, but that absolutely isn’t true. Every grade level and every classroom is different. Thanks for sharing.



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